Amon Tour

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Which season for which region? - Amon Tour
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Amon Tour / Useful information  / Which season for which region?

Which season for which region?

A question that is quite recurring and I can understand you! We often talk about Thailand as a great destination for Christmas or the beginning of the year!

Think again, Thailand is a great destination, all year round. Here are some explanations.

In Thailand, the climate is tropical or even equatorial in the extreme south. You find, therefore, a dry season and a rainy season. 

The Andaman Sea is an extension of the Indian Ocean. Therefore we recommend you to come from November to April.

The Gulf of Thailand is, in turn, the extension of the Pacific Ocean via the China Sea. The best period according to us therefore extends from February to August.

However, as everywhere in the world, we observe a change in seasons and weather depending on the time of year. Renowned as rainy, the months of July August now leave room for many clearings. In Krabi, all 2 to 3 days you can have 1 to 2 rainy hours. However, these tropical showers have nothing to do with the Indian monsoon. And it is obviously possible to have rain at Christmas.

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